"As you’ve noticed, people don’t want to be sold. What people do want is news and information about the things they care about." -- Larry Weber
The world has changed drastically in the past 42 years I have been alive. Because of the Internet, the buyer-beware age is no more. Today's customers probably know more about their vehicle of choice than your sales staff. They are educated, and prefer online shopping.
Unfortunately most dealerships rely too much on walk in customers. However, what they don't realize is that those walk in customers have already been shopping online. Surveys have revealed that 77% of buyers did not speak with any salespeople until after they had self-educated themselves. The education weapon of choice today is the internet.
Today's buyer is more your friend than your enemy. You will always have some disgruntled customers and hagglers of course, but for the most part, if you are able to connect with today's buyers, you will have a positive rewarding experience.
65% of customers say that quality in client care is as important as price.
Today's customers want to be wowed and they don't have the patience for the pushy, aggressive salesperson. They want to do as much of the sale as possible online. If they walk into your dealership, it is because they have chosen you over the other dealers they had been researching. Hopefully it is because you have made a connection through media, email, chat or phone. This connection is crucial to ensuring that when they walk into your dealership, they will already have a positive mindset and you will sell them the car. If they do walk away, it means that you did not connect. You blew it.
When you leave customers on the table, it's not that they decide not to buy a car, they decide not to buy from YOU!
-Google Think Dealer 2017
How to make the connection
You need to shift your focus to be customer centered. Take Amazon for example. They have mastered the online customer experience. Have you ever called their customer service for a late of missing package? You will never be put on hold, they call you! They fix the problem instantly, whether you receive a refund or a new item. They understand that customers want instant gratification, they pay for the experience.
You must always listen to your customer and personalize your response to their needs. Allow them to work the terms of the deal online. Always be transparent and authentic and when your customer finally comes in, hopefully you will have broken the barrier and built trust, make sure you give them the VIP treatment. If you do this correctly, one customer = 3